

1) Dermal fillers: –


Dermal fillers reduce signs of aging caused by diminishing collagen, elastin + hyaluronic acid – components of our skin that give it fullness, volume and plump.

Fillers are commonly used on the –

● Face and hands
● Plump lips
● Fill hollow cheeks
● Diminish the appearance of scars
● Elevate deep creases
● Erase fine lines
● Lift the brow
● Downturned mouth.

Hyaluronic acid is a lubricating, water-retaining substance found naturally in the body. It’s found in especially high concentrations in your joints, connective tissues, and the fluid surrounding your eyes. An extracted and reformulated type of hyaluronic acid has become one of the most popular types of injectable dermal filler for its naturally plumping properties.

Critical in achieving desired results is the proper placement by a skilled injector and the right combination of dermal fillers.

We commonly hear that clients are afraid of looking overdone or stuffed. The type of filler, the amount of filler, the injection technique, and each individual client’s facial features will determine someone’s “optimal fill”. With a thorough consultation with our client we will be able to guide you and suggest a customized treatment.
Our goal is to have you look and feel your natural best.
Book a consultation for Dermal Filler treatment and see what a positive difference Rejuven Med Spa can make for you.

2) Neuromodulators or Botox: –

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This popular injectable uses the cosmetic form of botulinum toxin to temporarily prevent, reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Since there are muscle nerves beneath every wrinkle, administering micro-doses of neuromodulators to that nerve can block or freeze its impulses, allowing the facial muscle to relax. This results in skin that is smoother, softer-looking, and renewed.

The areas most commonly treated with Botox are :

  • Frown linesForehead creases
  • Crow’s feet and around the eyes
  • Deep neck bands or wrinkles
  • Lip lines
  • Soften over-developed jaw muscles
  • Lift the corners of the mouth
  • Correct a gummy smile

At Rejuven Med Spa, we pride ourselves on achieving natural-looking results using a “baby steps approach”. If you prefer a gradual enhancement, we will take things one baby step at a time. We want you to be completely comfortable, well-informed, and satisfied and encourage you to take part in developing your treatment plan. We want you to be completely comfortable, well-informed, and satisfied. Our goal is to have you look and feel your natural best.

The Neuromodulators we provide at Rejuven Med Spa are Botox and Dysport. During each individual consultation we will determine which one is best suited for each client’s needs and desired result.

Book a consultation to see what a positive difference can botox injections make for you.

3) PRP Treatments: –

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A. PRP Treatment For Hair Growth :

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a substance that’s thought to promote healing when injected. Plasma is a component of your blood that contains special “factors,” or proteins, that help your blood to clot. It also contains proteins that support cell growth. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is naturally enriched with your own platelets, lymphocytes and growth factors, which harnesses the rejuvenating powers of these natural factors reintroducing them to naturally regenerate and repair.

PRP hair treatment, or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, is an innovative hair restoration procedure used to stimulate new hair growth around thinning areas. PRP’s regenerative technique has been used for years to aid in the healing process for those who have suffered an injury or undergone surgery. Now, technological advancements have led to the use of PRP for hair loss restoration. Both men and women suffer from hair loss, and ver 50% of the population will experience thinning hair as they age. For those looking to a dd thickness to their scalp, PRP hair loss treatment is a promising, non-surgical solution that can:

  •  Regrow areas of thinning hair
  • Add natural-looking fullness to your scalp
  • Combat the effects of hair loss
  • Achieve long-lasting hair restoration results

How PRP for Hair Loss Works:

During PRP hair restoration, blood is drawn from the arm and then carefully spun using a specialized centrifuge; this process separates the platelet rich plasma found in your blood

When Will I See Results?
Results will ultimately depend on the patient. However, you can expect to see long-lasting improvements to the fullness and thickness of your hair beginning in the following 3-6 months, with results continuing up to a full year for some patients. Additional PRP hair treatments may be required in order to achieve optimal results.

B. Skin Rejuvenation and Anti Aging Treatment PRP:

One of the greatest benefits to this treatment is that the client uses his/her own blood for the procedures. This eliminates all kinds of potential problems including disease transmission and tissue rejection. This process brings long lasting tissue rejuvenation.

Blood is drawn from the patient and then centrifuged for approximately 10 minutes. The blood is then separated and immediately, the high concentration of platelets is reintroduced directly into the site of the treatment area to accelerate and enhance the natural healing process. This is the theory behind PRP.

PRP has applications for use in cosmetic enhancement, plastic surgery, orthopedics, dentistry, and for both soft tissue implants and wound healing.

Blood is made up of four components including plasma, red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets. The plasma is known as the transporter and is the liquid component of the blood made up mostly of water. The role of red blood cells is to carry oxygen picked up from the lungs and to distribute the oxygen throughout the body delivering the oxygen to the body cells. Red blood cells are also responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the cells. White blood cells are responsible for fighting off infections, killing germs, and removing dead blood cells.

PRP uses condensed platelets. Platelets play a significant role in the healing of tissue including:

● Increase tissue regeneration
● Decrease inflammation
● Increase collagen (foundational component of all soft tissue)
● Increase angiogenesis (development of new blood cells)

C. PRP for Under Eye Treatment:

(Facial Micro-needling OR Vampire Facial)

PRP Facial is a procedure for anti-aging and regenerative purposes. PRP can provide an abundance of healing factors to stimulate collagen and tissue regeneration. Treatments are typically for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, tightening and toning of the skin (including the face, arms, neck & decolletage) mild collagen and volume loss. The effects are long-lasting and rejuvenating, giving your skin a natural and youthful glow. Vampire facial treatments can prove to be a better solution that is economical and can repair your skin for long-term relief.

D. PRP for Vaginal Rejuvenation:

This procedure involves injecting PRP (platelet rich plasma) into the upper wall of the vagina and around the clitoris to improve sexual health. PRP contains high concentrations of platelets. The growth factors in PRP promote collagen and elastin production to help improve vaginal dryness and laxity.

Our PRP Treatment offers services to restore, enhance, and rejuvenate. Whether you are looking for treatment for dark eye circles or for knee pain, our office is equipped to cater to your specific needs. Contact us about PRP injections for hair growth, PRP microneedling of the face for rejuvenation, PRP microneedling for acne scars, PRP microneedling for stretch marks, PRP injections for joints and tendons, and other inquiries!

4) Injections For Fat loss: –

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This popular injectable uses the cosmetic form of botulinum toxin to temporarily prevent, reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Since there are muscle nerves beneath every wrinkle, administering micro-doses of neuromodulators to that nerve can block or freeze its impulses, allowing the facial muscle to relax. This results in skin that is smoother, softer-looking, and renewed.

The areas most commonly treated with Botox are :

  • frown lines
  • forehead creases
  • crow’s feet and around the eyes.
  • It can also be used to treat deep neck bands or wrinkles
  • lip lines
  • soften over-developed jaw muscles
  • lift the corners of the mouth
  • correct a gummy smile.

At Rejuven Med Spa, we pride ourselves on achieving natural-looking results using a “baby steps approach”. If you prefer a gradual enhancement, we will take things one baby step at a time.We want you to be completely comfortable, well-informed, and satisfied and encourage you to take part in developing your treatment plan. We want you to be completely comfortable, well-informed, and satisfied. Our goal is to have you look and feel your natural best.

The Neuromodulators we provide at  Rejuven Med Spa are Botox and Dysport. During each individual consultation we will determine which one is best suited for each client’s needs and desired result.

Book a consultation to see what a positive difference can botox injections make for you.