

1) Laser Hair Removal: –


Shaving and waxing away unwanted facial and body hair is a taxing routine, but our laser hair removal service can offer you a more long-term solution. The “Gold Standard” in lasers for hair removal – Diode 808 Laser. A new three wave technology mixed laser for all skin tones, from light to dark skin with NO PAIN!!! Removal of unwanted hair gives the freedom to wear whatever you want, whenever you want. Diode-lasers used in hair removal target the melanin (color) in the hair follicle, damaging the follicle and removing the hair from light to dark skin type. Hair growth cycles through three phases: Anagen (growth) phase, Catagen (transition) phase, and Telogen (dead) phase. Hair that is in the Anagen (growth) phase is permanently removed with each treatment. However, not all the hair is in the Anagen phase at the same time. For example, on the legs, only 20-30% of hair is in the Anagen phase at any given time. Hair that is in the Catagen or Telogen phase will be treated by the laser but the hair won’t be permanently removed and will grow back. However, it can be removed permanently in subsequent treatments as the hair cycles into the Anagen phase. Therefore, several treatments are required, typically 6-8 treatments every 4-8 weeks. Step away from the razor and step into silky smooth, always ready skin.


Permanently reduces hair growth with regular treatments

  • Gets rid of exposed hairs as well as stubborn ingrowns
  • Safe for all skin and hair types
  • Ideal for face, underarms, arms, legs, back, chest and bikini area
  • Fast, easy and virtually pain-free


  • Temporary redness may occur
  • No sun exposure allowed during treatment
  • Only shaving allowed during treatment
  • Blonde hair is not effectively treated

Our new pricing system makes laser hair removal at Glow Medi Spa very competitive. Our staff is very experienced and professional and will make you feel confident and comfortable. No need to give up quality for value. Enjoy both at Rejuven!

Book a consultation and see what a positive difference Laser Hair Removal can make for you. 


2) CO2 Fractional Laser Resurfacing For Body and Face

C02 Fractional laser resurfacing Face and Body

The CO2 Fractional resurfacing laser is carbon dioxide laser which precisely removes deep outer layers of damaged skin and stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin underneath. The CO2 treats fine to moderately deep wrinkles, photo damage, scarring, skin tone, texture, scarring, uneven coloration creepiness and laxity irregularities, dull tone, and a thinned collagen layer of the face, neck, and chest.

A fractionated method (columns of skin are removed leaving the skin surrounding each column intact to aid in healing helps reduce age-spots freckles, liver spots, and lentigines), fine lines, wrinkles,, skin laxity, textural 

Typically one laser treatment is recommended. Occasionally, in an area that cannot be treated aggressively, we may need to do more than one treatment to optimize results. Maintenance treatments may also be necessary to maintain results, especially if sun is not avoided or proper skin care used. Occasionally, even with the best care, another treatment may be necessary in a few years (in the area around the eyes, it may only be 1-2 years).

3) HIFU Face and Body: –


As we age, sun exposure, gravity and lifestyle changes lead to a decline in collagen production and loss of elasticity. As a result of this, wrinkles begin to form and volume loss occurs which leads to sagging cheeks, jowl formation, and eye hooding. 

The ultrasound lifting treatment lifts and tightens the face, neck and décolleté without any surgery or downtime. Ultrasound energy at multiple depths to trigger a natural regenerative response that stimulates the growth of new collagen and strengthens the weak collagen that is present. This collagen generating process produces natural, noticeable results with no downtime. A comfortable lunch- time treatment is all it takes.

After a single treatment, clients notice less sagginess, less crepiness and an overall lifting effect. The brow lift creates a brighter, less tired appearance. Clients are happy as they look very natural and rejuvenated. Clients require from 6 to 8 treatments for optimal results.


  • Looking tired, old or stressed
  • Jawline contouring
  • Lines and wrinkles
  • Eyes: Tired appearance crow’s feet around eyes   
  • Brows: heavy or dropped

Book a consultation and see what a positive difference ultrasound skinlifting can make for you.

4) RF Microneedling for Face and Body: –


Whether you desire to reduce the lines of age, fade old acne scars, or generally tighten and invigorate their skin.  Radiofrequency technology performs like no topical treatment ever could, actually stimulating your body’s collagen and elastin levels to treat the advanced signs of aging. Skin looks younger, firmer. And texture, tone and clarity Smoothed, brightened and improved.

Microneedling uses very fine needles that enter the skin at precise depths, depending on the patient’s goals. This controlled puncturing of the skin helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, laxity, uneven skin texture, large pores, and scars. Radiofrequency (RF) energy is simultaneously delivered to the deeper layers of the skin to promote collagen production, resulting in tighter skin. It also has other benefits like

  • Stimulates new collagen production to not only gives you tighter, firmer looking skin, but  younger acting skin
  • Targets blemishes for a smoother, more radiant complexion
  •  Provides faster healing time than traditional microneedling
  • Helps in healing stretch marks

RF Microneedling is safe for all skin types and has minimal downtime. For optimal results, a 
series of treatments spaced a few weeks apart are recommended. This will be discussed during your consultation.

Book a consultation and see what a positive difference radiofrequency microneedling can make for you.

Treated Skin Conditions:

  • Acne scars
  • Injury scars after surgery,
  • Open pores,
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Wrinkles and deep lines
  • Stretch marks
  • Tired looking and stressed skin

5) Cryolipolisis Fat Freeze for Weight Loss: –



Cryolipolysis® fat freeze is the world’s most popular, non-invasive fat reduction treatment. It has revolutionized the body contouring industry by utilizing advanced cooling technology to reduce unwanted fat, safely, painlessly, and effectively. The treatment offers a surprisingly affordable solution for healthy adults who struggle with stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise.  Fat freezing is particularly good for targeting love handles, belly fat, upper arm fat, bra bulge, thigh fat, double chins and other visible bulges and require no downtime.  No wonder millions of men and women have chosen coolsculpting as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.


  • Flanks: Bulges at the sides of your waist, or “love handles,” respond incredibly well to Cryolipolysis® , even when weight loss hasn’t seemed to shrink them.
  • Abdomen: The stomach is one of the most common places the body stores fat so it can be very hard to reach this area with diet and exercise.
  • Thighs: Thigh fat can be particularly stubborn but Cryolipolysis® fat freeze produces good results on the inner and outer thigh areas, even though they’re very different. The skin on the inner thighs is usually easier to pinch and to feel surface fat.
  • Double chin: Fat under the chin responds very well to Cryolipolysis fat freeze. In fact, there is a mini applicator specially designed to treat the pad of fat just underneath the chin so it can target precisely and safely.
  • Upper Arms: If you have excess, sagging, jiggly skin hanging from your arms, it most likely is not the type of fatty tissue that Cryolipolysis can treat Fat that is fluffier and lumpier around the upper arms is where it gives great results.
  • Underneath the buttocks: The pouches of fat underneath the buttocks can be effectively treated.
  • Back fat: It is very effective for treating fat on certain areas of the back.

So Sit back and relax, and say goodbye to stubborn fat. Book a consultation today!

6) Muscle Sculpting and Fat Burning : –

EM Sculpting

Whether you desire to reduce the lines of age, fade old acne scars, or generally tighten and invigorate their skin.  Radiofrequency technology performs like no topical treatment ever could, actually stimulating your body’s collagen and elastin levels to treat the advanced signs of aging. Skin looks younger, firmer.  And texture, tone and clarity? Smoothed, brightened and improved.

Microneedling uses very fine needles that enter the skin at precise depths, depending on the patient’s goals. This controlled puncturing of the skin helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, laxity, uneven skin texture, large pores, and scars. Radiofrequency (RF) energy is simultaneously delivered to the deeper layers of the skin to promote collagen production, resulting in tighter skin. It also has other benefits like
●   Stimulates new collagen production to not only give you tighter, firmer-looking skin, but younger-acting skin
●   Targets blemishes for a smoother, more radiant complexion
●   Provides faster healing time than traditional microneedling
●   Helps in healing stretch marks
RFMicroneedling is safe for all skin types and has minimal downtime. For optimal results, a series of treatments spaced a few weeks apart are recommended. This will be discussed during your consultation.

Book a consultation and see what a positive difference radiofrequency microneedling can make for you.

Treated  Skin Conditions:

●   Acne scars
●   Injury scars after surgery,
●   Open pores,
●   Sun-damaged skin
●   Wrinkles and deep lines
●   Stretch marks
●   Tired looking and stressed skin

7) Liposonix Fat Loss Treatment: –


Struggling to be rid of that last little bit of stubborn fat? Liposonix is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that uses a high intensity ultrasound to treat and eliminate those remaining fat cells. The Liposonix treatment uses high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy. It is the same energy source as diagnostic ultrasound, but it is designed to very precisely target specific areas with high energy to destroy fat cells.

A Liposonix procedure uses a transducer to generate acoustic waves that travel through tissue. It penetrates through the skin layers into the targeted fat tissue without harming skin or surrounding tissue, allowing the waves to quickly heat and destroy fat. This enables delivery of uniform, predictable results after just a single one hour treatment. Your body’s natural healing response removes the destroyed fat over the course of one month.

Liposonix is a highly versatile treatment that controls precisely how and where the energy is delivered. Typical treatment areas are the targeted fat around your waistline and love handles. On average, Liposonix patients see about a 1 inch reduction after a single one-hour treatment—equivalent to roughly one pant or dress size.

Although results vary, clinical studies have shown average waistline reduction was about one dress or pant size (1 inch or 2.5 cm reduction). Aesthetic outcomes have been very good for those that have maintained a healthy lifestyle after the procedure. Results can be expected in an 8-12 week period of time, giving your body the opportunity to naturally process the treated fat.

We encourage you to come in for a consultation to discuss the specific areas of the body that we treat here at our office. The most commonly treated areas are the abdomen, Flanks and thighs.  Liposonix is meant to treat patients close to their ideal body weight and is a great versatile contouring mechanism for unwanted wanted fat.

8) Tripolar RF and Skin Tightening/ Cavitation :-

rf skin tightening

Radiofrequency (RF) therapy, also called radiofrequency skin tightening, is a nonsurgical method of tightening your skin. The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in your body.

During a radio frequency (RF) skin tightening procedure, heat is used to encourage the production of new collagen and elastin. The renewed production of these components helps to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines, and tightens skin.

RF skin tightening used on areas of face and body are :-

  • Face tightening includes ( eyebrows, eyelids, crows feet, nasolabial folds and cheeks
  • Neck tightening
  • Arms Tightening
  • Abdomen, Thighs and buttocks Tightening
  • Knee Tightening

RF treatments are an effective body contouring method for these areas and are even effective at reducing skin laxity in those post pregnancy.

Tri Polar Face Lifting:

Tripolar skin lifting is the most recent addition to the fight against aging. It is proven to be one of the only treatments to treat sagging skin and cellulite without surgery. Visible results are seen from the first treatment!

9) Non Surgical Vaginal Tightening: –

hifu vaginal tightening machine

As a result of aging, and especially following childbirth, many women find that their vaginal muscles have weakened and stretched. This can make intimacy feels less pleasurable especially for women. Vaginal tightening helps tighten the muscles and surrounding tissues by stimulating the collagen and shrinking the loose skin.

Vaginal laxity can now be treated with HIFU, a nonsurgical, comfortable, lunchtime treatment which is noninvasive, requires no anesthesia and has no downtime. At Rejuven Med Spa, we Suggest HIFU because it is a nonablative, gentle treatment using RadioFrequency (RF) which creates new collagen to tighten the vaginal tissue and skin.  Only one single treatment is required and it takes only 3060 minutes depending on your symptoms. 

Normal activity can be resumed immediately after the treatment. We recommend a single, vaginal tightening treatment once per year to optimize the strength of the tissue in the vaginal canal.

10) Skin Tag Removal: –

skin tag removal

Skin tags are growths that commonly occur and are usually brown or fleshcoloured and can be flat or elevated. Radio Frequency is a highly effective method for the removal of unwanted skin tags. It uses the power of radio waves, its high frequency, and low temperatures to remove skin tags with minimal downtime and virtually no bleeding. The Radio Frequency removal of skin tags is a great option for those who do not want to deal with side effects or complications.